Hi everybody! It's back to school time or not-back-to-school-time for us homeschoolers. Either way we are all trying to return to our routines after the summer madness. That is why I'm sharing this Creamy Lemon Pasta recipe with you all. It is super easy and is something you can literally throw together in 30 minutes. I recommend doubling it to feed a hungry family of four, or if you just want a few leftovers. It reheats beautifully. I love this recipe because it is filling, yet light. My favorite part though, is that it's a "one pot wonder". All of the ingredients go into one pan, which lessens the amount of after-dinner dishwashing that none of us want to do. It feels perfect for those last warm days before the weather truly changes to autumn. This recipe is super versatile and I've included three different ways to enjoy it. You can make it in its original form with no bells or whistles, or you can bulk it up with any kind of roasted vegetable, added mushrooms, tofu, herbs, or anything you have lurking in your fridge that needs to be used. Play around with it and make it your own. Enjoy!
Creamy Lemon Pasta
-gluten free
-refined sugar free
-oil free
-Option 1-
300g (3 cups) dried pasta; macaroni, penne, rigatoni, etc. (use gluten free if desired)
1 onion
3 cloves garlic
500ml (2 cups) vegetable stock
1 400g (14 oz) can of coconut milk (I use full fat for extra creaminess, but feel free to use a lower fat can of milk if you are trying to reduce your oil intake)
1 lemon, zest and juice
2 Tbsp nutritional yeast
2 tsp oil (or water for oil free version)
salt, pepper, and dried chili flakes to your personal tastes
-Option 2-
All of the Option 1 ingredients plus
400g or 22 button mushrooms or equivalent mushroom of choice
-Option 3-
All of the Option 1 ingredients plus
1 head of cauliflower
1/2 tsp smoked paprika
1/2 tsp salt
1/2 tsp black pepper
1/2 tsp garlic powder
1/2 tsp dried parsley
-Option 1-
Chop the onion and garlic.
Zest the lemon.
In a large wide bottomed pan on a high heat, add a few teaspoons of oil or water and sauté the onion for 3-4 minutes.
Add the garlic and continue to sauté for another minute.
Add in the vegetable stock, coconut milk, lemon juice, zest, and pasta. Stir together and cook on a low simmer for 15 minutes, or until the pasta is cooked through.
Go ahead and add splashes of extra water while cooking if the sauce gets too thick.
Stir occasionally to be sure the pasta is not sticking together.
When the pasta is fully cooked add in the nutritional yeast, stir and taste to see if it needs any salt, pepper, or chili flakes.
Stir together and serve.
-Option 2-
Slice the mushrooms.
Follow the Option 1 recipe, adding the mushrooms in at the beginning along with the onions.
Continue to follow the Option 1 recipe
-Option 3-
Preheat the oven to 180 degrees Celsius (350 Fahrenheit).
Chop the cauliflower into florets and put in a large bowl.
Drizzle with a few teaspoons of oil, or water, or leave to dry roast with the spices. All ways work well.
Shake on the spices and mix until they are distributed evenly throughout the cauliflower.
Spread the florets out onto a baking sheet and roast for 30 minutes.
While the cauliflower is in the oven, make the pasta according to the Option 1 recipe. They should be finished cooking around the same time.
Serve the pasta with the cauliflower florets on top.
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